This design project was my debut in biotecture, the process of  translating natural design into ecological innovation. I chose to base my structural study around an animal that lives with its home: the Armadillo.

Process Diagram. Exhibited at Cornish College of the Arts, Foundation Collection 2019.

Armavilla Sketch 1
The structural integrity and aesthetic were realized through the process of analogous inspiration. After research of the tessellated geometry featured on the armadillo's shell, and I fixated upon the cellular structures of which it is comprised. These cells, called Scutoids, are an integral part of epithelial tissues (such as skin and vessel tissue). I paid special attention to their remarkable durability under stress. They are excellent at bending and twisting, due to uneven top and bottom vertex counts of five and six sides respectively.
I moved on to researching ways to build 3D prototypes of the Scutoids in order to familiarize myself with their assets and disadvantages.
Architectural Silhouette Sketch

Once I was confident in the structural balance between  the Armadillo and Scutoids, I started abstracting silhouettes for the blueprint.
After four rounds of iteration, I was happy with the structural layout and aesthetic. The main structure was white with an orange accented interior. The entrance walkway was paneled with a wood as well as the patio balcony.
I used raw-pulp chipboard for the shell, white/orange matte-board for the main structure, balsa wood for inlay details, and clear acrylic for transparency. Everything was secured on a foam-core parameter and mounted on a cardboard base.
After finalizing my prototype, I submitted it for display at the Foundation Exhibition put on by Cornish College of the Arts. This project was an entirely foreign medium for me, and it introduced me to a new way of analyzing the effect of spaces and structures. Although my primary interests are mostly two dimensional, Armavilla still remains relevant to my work. Architectural principals are applicable in UI and Graphic Design, although they are easily missed. Now, I am looking.
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